• BTS - Creations - My Fanart

    My Etsy Shop – DiscoveringBTS prints

      Not only are signed copies of my book, Discovering BTS, available on my ETSY shop, but my BTS inspired prints are now for sale too. You can purchase any of dozens of 4″ X 6″ prints for $2.75 a piece.  All the artwork seen here was produced with the help of apps and Adobe Photoshop.  Visit DiscoveringBTS – my Etsy shop

  • BTS - BTS ARMY - Creations - Music - My books

    감사합니다 아미

     Many thanks to my ARMY pal Lynn, for the beautiful photo she took after receiving my book. I love it.  Proud to say that book sales are doing well during their first weeks after release. Fans have been buying the books both on Etsy and on Amazon, and I’ve already received some wonderful reviews. I can’t express enough thanks, since they are a self-published author’s bread and butter. Word of mouth is a great source of advertising!  And another ARMY photo from Lisa. Pictured below is her daughter. I think she’s a wonderful model, don’t you? So to all, 감사합니다 아미 …

  • BTS - BTS ARMY - Creations - My books

    Submitted my book

      Submitted my book to KDP (the printer) and if all goes well, the book should be available on Amazon.com within the next 72 hours. I had to make some minor changes last night, so, I re-submitted the manuscript this morning and am now playing the waiting game. So stay tuned for details regarding its availability. Thanks for your patience. I hope it will be worth the wait.