Saying goodbye to an old friend
Today we discovered that our favorite local pub was closing its doors. It’s a sad day in town, for it wasn’t just another bar that sells beer. As its name inferred, the place evoked the feeling of home. It was …
Today we discovered that our favorite local pub was closing its doors. It’s a sad day in town, for it wasn’t just another bar that sells beer. As its name inferred, the place evoked the feeling of home. It was …
I’m a very strong person, and I normally don’t let things get to me. However, yesterday was a different story. After receiving a text message, I felt truly let down by people I’ve trusted and worked for, for over fifteen …
This is what it’s all about, Charlie Brown. How long has it been since you’ve read the Declaration of Independence? No cheating. Take your time and read every word. …Well, looks like I will have to create an amendment (pun …
Happy 4th – Read the Declaration of Independence Read more »
I watched a program several months ago about using tilapia skin for the healing of burns etc. Well, today I ran across an article regarding an injured sloth. Fascinating, and another happy ending to a sad story. And of course, …
Photographer and naturalist Terra Fondriest, spent nearly a decade capturing her daughter’s encounters with nature around their family home in rural Arkansas. One thing that she said really caught my attention. “I find myself ignoring my kids, which I think …
What if the Holocaust was livestreamed? An incredibly moving video. Watch the trailer! The Read the New York Times article regarding Eva’s Instagram account, based on a diary kept by the real Eva Heyman in 1944.