If you listen to the above video, then begin to focus on each line of text for several seconds, you can easily convince yourself that they are indeed saying what’s printed on the screen. It appears that our ears, can be easily influenced. But, what about our eyes…

Doesn’t it seem that virtually everyone you know: your neighbor, co-worker, boss, bestie, and cousin, all have these conditions? But the big problem is, more than half of these haven’t been diagnosed by a professional, implementing exhaustive and conclusive testing. No, someone took a three-minute test on YT and now they’re assured that they have ailment X.

A few months ago, I watched this amazing video on a little girl named, Ana, and I happened to run across the video again, this morning. She blew my mind for numerous reasons, but the main one was because of the confidence she exuded.

The first thing you’ll notice about her is her infectious smile and laugh. The second, her profound intelligence. She’s articulate. A deep thinker. As her mother says, “She’s a thirty-eight-year-old in an eight-year-old’s body.”

  I’ve always been fascinated with the study of biology, when the “bug” hit me in 6th grade. I still remember the large, green biology book with microbes gracing the cover.    Today, I learned an interesting fact regarding measles; …

Immune Amnesia – How Measles Disrupts our Immune System Read more »