• General Interest - Medical

    Sorry for my absence

    Well, it's been a very long week. I was struck by the flu a week ago, Monday, and have been out of commission, since. Basically, living on the couch and doing lots of sleeping, reading, and watching cute animal videos on YouTube...

  • General Interest - Medical - Research

    Immune Amnesia – How Measles Disrupts our Immune System

      I’ve always been fascinated with the study of biology, when the “bug” hit me in 6th grade. I still remember the large, green biology book with microbes gracing the cover.    Today, I learned an interesting fact regarding measles; a surprising tidbit that was astonishing – the measles virus totally disrupts your immune system’s memory. As many of you know, every time your body is infected with a disease, your immune system registers it. In other words, your body builds an immunity to the strain, so the next time you’re exposed, you can fight off the attack. However, when…