If you listen to the above video, then begin to focus on each line of text for several seconds, you can easily convince yourself that they are indeed saying what’s printed on the screen. It appears that our ears, can be easily influenced. But, what about our eyes…

14,300 years ago, a pine forest in France bore witness to an event that has never been experienced in modern times: a bombardment of solar particles so fierce that it would likely knock out all communications satellites and fry power grids across the globe if it were to happen today. While we often point to the Carrington Event of 1859, (that knocked out all telegraph communications around the world), as a worst-case scenario, for solar storms, the 774-75 AD storm was at least 10 times stronger.

Today I am sharing my current Neil deGrasse Tyson “shorts” playlist from YouTube. Within it are his commentaries on everything from Newton to neutrinos and everything in between. While heavily science driven (well, of course), Neil often comments on everyday …

Neil deGrasse Tyson Playlist Read more »

In case you needed some food for thought this morning, take this into consideration. But wait, better get another cup of coffee first. We’re about the get “heady”! We’re talking about the blending of quantum physics, mysticism, and metaphysics. “Quantum metaphysics”?????

I must admit that since first hearing about string theory, many moons ago, I was highly skeptical and basically poo-pooed it. Ah, here we go… We don’t understand something, so we’re going to attribute some bizarre hypothesis… So yes, not a real fan. But today when I happened upon this this video, I nodded to its existence and thought, maybe, just maybe I’ll give it another chance. So, hats off to Astrum; you may slowly be bringing around a skeptic.