I remember when Voyagers 1 and 2 were launched by NASA in separate months in the summer of 1977 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. As originally designed, they were to conduct closeup studies of Jupiter and Saturn, Saturn’s rings, and the larger moons of the two planets. To accomplish their two-planet mission, the spacecraft were built to last five years. But as we see, they achieved all their objectives and then some!

If you read my post, “Site rendering problem finally solved?”, then you know I’ve been struggling with problems regarding this blog. It seems that page speed/rendering was my number one pain-in-the… the culprit that led many to see the dreaded CIRCLE OF DEATH! After many tweaks of cache settings, deletion of plug-ins, etc., I was still pulling my hair out and in technical limbo after more than a month. I even moved my files to another US server (same hosting company). Believe me, I tried every trick in my techie book, but to no avail. That is, until last night.

I read an incredibly interesting article entitled, Kids Should be Taught to Think Logically. I couldn’t agree more. symbolic logic noun : a science of developing and representing logical principles by means of a formalized system consisting of primitive symbols, combinations …

Teaching kids to think logically Read more »

After watching this video, I exclaimed, “Oh wow, how did I never know this?” So, I decided to share it with my viewers, and also add some interesting facts and other videos about the beautiful city of Venice. How Was …

Venice – engineering for drinkable water Read more »