Several months ago, I watched Rick Beato’s breakdown of The Beatles, She’s Leaving Home, and as always enjoyed the specific points that made him love the song, whether it was the chord progressions or the use of notes not in the chord (passing notes). Then tonight I happened to run across Virgin Rock’s reaction to the same song. While praising Rick’s video and his thoughts on the composition, she stressed different reasons that made the song memorable for her.

Recently there’s been a rash of newspaper columnists leaving major corporations, such as the New York Times and the Washington Post. The reason for the mass exodus? As Paul Krugman states (formerly of the NYT), “I left to stay true to my byline.” It’s what happens when opinion writers are no longer able to speak their mind but are instead controlled and overruled by a set of editors and the mindset of their owners.

Seems too many people let themselves get perturbed by things they can’t control. Some even worry themselves to death or at least give themselves ulcers in the interim. But just as Dr. K states above, in one of his many Guides to Mental Health, we let the things we can’t control, control the things WE CAN CONTROL.

This illustration compares the size of our own Milky Way galaxy to gargantuan galaxy LEDA 1313424, nicknamed the Bullseye. The Milky Way is about 100,000 light-years in diameter, and the Bullseye is almost two-and-a-half times larger, at 250,000 light-years across. NASA, ESA, Ralf Crawford (STScI)

Many of us are familiar with several types of galaxies, but what the heck was this?

White-crowned sparrow Marion J Chard

I thought I’d share my backyard birding list with you which includes every species we see during the four seasons here in northern Michigan. These are only the birds we see in our neighborhood and not while visiting other areas. What’s on your list?