The other day I shared a tip on how to easily remove duplicates from multiple playlists in Spotify. Today I’m sharing yet another; something that has plagued me since day one – alphabetizing your playlists. I looked high and low and still could not find a way to do this. That is until this morning. It’s so danged simple, it’s ridiculous.

I’ve watched several of his videos in the past year, then stumbled upon this one while skimming through YouTube, this morning. Of course, when I saw the subject matter, I had to check it out. Was happy to see that this simple tune wound its way through his heart, as it did mine.

Does it ever drive you crazy trying to remove duplicates from your Spotify playlists? Because there’s no easy way. And when you have multiple lists, it gets pretty insane. Well tonight I found an easy way and I’m delighted to share it with you. It took me under two minutes to accomplish this and now I’m a very happy camper.

In case you needed some food for thought this morning, take this into consideration. But wait, better get another cup of coffee first. We’re about the get “heady”! We’re talking about the blending of quantum physics, mysticism, and metaphysics. “Quantum metaphysics”?????