Progressive Perspective interviewed Neil deGrasse Tyson and asked him his opinions on the following topics including climate change, artificial intelligence, the “fake” moon landing, and the existence of God. I’ve added my own two cents below.

Today I am sharing my current Neil deGrasse Tyson “shorts” playlist from YouTube. Within it are his commentaries on everything from Newton to neutrinos and everything in between. While heavily science driven (well, of course), Neil often comments on everyday …

Neil deGrasse Tyson Playlist Read more »

After reading through my blog, you will see frequent references to Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist, planetary scientist, author, and science communicator. It’s not only for his exemplary presentations, his affable qualities, or his vast knowledge of the universe, but for the way he entices you to be all that you can be. The way he inspires you to explore your surroundings, and to keep learning no matter the circumstances.

In case you needed some food for thought this morning, take this into consideration. But wait, better get another cup of coffee first. We’re about the get “heady”! We’re talking about the blending of quantum physics, mysticism, and metaphysics. “Quantum metaphysics”?????