Tonight, I watched with awe and admiration, as Harrison Ford narrated an impassioned five-minute video on behalf of the half-earth project. In this call-to-action presentation, Harrison urges us to pay attention to the glorious tapestry of life – our living Earth.

Today, I heard an enthralling version of a song I used to listen to long ago – After the Long is Gone by Earth, Wind and Fire, who I had the pleasure of seeing back in my college days at Eastern Michigan University. Leonid and Friends’ rendition was so good that I had to listen several times. You did it justice, my friends.

Baby’s breath (Gysophilia paniculata)

Okay, close your eyes and what do you see when you think of baby’s breath. Delicate, tiny white flowers? Wedding bouquets? Summer days? Invasive species? Wait, what? Not what you were thinking, right?

Doesn’t it seem that virtually everyone you know: your neighbor, co-worker, boss, bestie, and cousin, all have these conditions? But the big problem is, more than half of these haven’t been diagnosed by a professional, implementing exhaustive and conclusive testing. No, someone took a three-minute test on YT and now they’re assured that they have ailment X.