Gawd, I love Giz
Even though I’ve been following Gizmo for a few months, and knew his story, tonight was the first time I’d seen this clip. At times it made me laugh aloud, and other times, let out an, awwwwww!
Even though I’ve been following Gizmo for a few months, and knew his story, tonight was the first time I’d seen this clip. At times it made me laugh aloud, and other times, let out an, awwwwww!
Do you ever question why you do the things you do? For most of us, it was the way we were raised, or even cultural. We never question the how or why but continue in the same manner.
I’ve always loved Sting’s quirkiness, eloquence, and creativeness, his way with verse, chorus and bridge. I think back to such songs as Fortress Around Your Heart. I remember the first time I heard it, and how swept away I was with the not only the melody, but the words were fire, a blend of love and war! some people are Word men and he’s a significant one.
Several weeks ago, I began watching videos on Pharaby, a dog who uses AIC buttons to communicate with his owner, Jen.
I’ve been following Choo Choo’s Story for a few months. I love the videos of her feeding the wildlife at her lake house. This story about Wally, really touched my heart.
great patience. However, today was the day; almost two weeks after my first experiment and voila, success. I sat on the sidewalk near the man shed, held out my hand with the “nummy seeds” and after a few initial, “I really want that”, but a bit of hesitation, he was soon eating from my hand.