Mary, Mary, quite contrary, where the hell have you been?

No excuses, but I’ve been so preoccupied with editing projects that I haven’t had the time or the inclination to post. After working eight to ten hours per day, I couldn’t muster any more energy. So there. That is my excuse!

I’m nearing completion of Project Earth by Jay Fiondella, and I’m proud to say that it’s a top-notch book with lots of promise. If you’re a sci-fi fan, I think this will be to your liking. Look for a publication date in early April.

If you listen to the above video, then begin to focus on each line of text for several seconds, you can easily convince yourself that they are indeed saying what’s printed on the screen. It appears that our ears, can be easily influenced. But, what about our eyes…

Several months ago, I watched Rick Beato’s breakdown of The Beatles, She’s Leaving Home, and as always enjoyed the specific points that made him love the song, whether it was the chord progressions or the use of notes not in the chord (passing notes). Then tonight I happened to run across Virgin Rock’s reaction to the same song. While praising Rick’s video and his thoughts on the composition, she stressed different reasons that made the song memorable for her.