I’ve been thinking about creating audio versions for the Story of Q trilogy and came up with a possible AI voice.

Of course, I had to make a few alterations to the text to make it flow better, then had to come up with creative spelling (phonetics) for the main character’s nickname, Rache. The AI read it as “Ratch”. Hmmm, so I tried Raych, but she still pronounced it the same. Ah, back to the drawing board. Finally, tried Raech. Bingo, that worked.

Thanks to my dear high school friend, Barbara Smearman, I’m vigorously working on the spin-off book to my Story of Q series. Her colorful illustrations have given me the impetus to finish Tukaa’s Tale and I’m hoping for a mid-summer release date and offer my sincere apologies to my readers for the long hiatus.

As an independent, self-published author, I realize the importance of book reviews. As many of us say, “Reviews are our bread-and-butter!” Without the aid of the huge publishing companies like Penguin Random House, Harper Collins, and Simon and Schuster, we have to be our own advertisers and publicists.