• Animal Kingdom - Mare's photos

    And then there were five!

    Yesterday, we hadn't seen any of our four chippies, and were starting to fear the worst. All the seed we put out in the morning was still there. Oh no! But this morning when we awoke, there were signs that they were back. Maybe yesterday was a holiday and they were taking a chippie hiatus. You never know. Well, they are back in force and I'm happy to report that there's now a fifth...

  • Animal Kingdom - My Creations

    Success with Chippy!

    great patience. However, today was the day; almost two weeks after my first experiment and voila, success. I sat on the sidewalk near the man shed, held out my hand with the "nummy seeds" and after a few initial, "I really want that", but a bit of hesitation, he was soon eating from my hand.