New video ad – The Story of Q Trilogy
My latest ad for The Story of Q trilogy – music Be Here by Michael Raphael
My latest ad for The Story of Q trilogy – music Be Here by Michael Raphael
Nikon’s Small World is regarded as the leading forum for showcasing the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope. The Photomicrography Competition is open to anyone with an interest in microscopy and photography. The video competition, entitled Small World In Motion encompasses any movie or digital time-lapse photography taken through the microscope.
Nervous System is a generative design studio that works at the intersection of science, art, and technology. Drawing inspiration from natural phenomena, we create computer simulations to generate designs and use digital fabrication to realize products.
Some of my playlists were growing exponentially, so I had to divide them up so I’d have the chance to hear some of my favorite songs more than once every year. hahahaha! Mare’s Mellower Side had over 400 songs. Yikes! So, that yielded itself to slimming down.
I’ve completed the minor revisions to the trilogy, and all editions, including eBooks, are now available on
These rescue dogs have been trained to drive a car. Yes, you read that correctly. I’m not making this up. It was part of the Aukland, New Zealand SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) campaign to promote rescue dogs.