I recently read an Instagram post and blanched when the writer emphatically stated that, “Men and women cannot be friends!” No ifs, ands or buts! I guess I wasn’t surprised, since I’ve learned over the months that he sees everything in life in black and white, and yes or no. I asked myself the question, why DO I “follow” him on social media? Maybe it’s for shock value? Anyway, I digress…

I’ve tried various workouts throughout my life; however, when I began doing yoga, and then discovered Tai Chi and Qigong I found a well-rounded routine that includes, mind, body, and spirit. Seems too many of us strictly focus on the body but leave out mental well-being. I feel this is a huge oversight, and for that, we can thank the Western medical mindset which ignored the benefits and often ridiculed thousands of years of Eastern practices. To that end, a stigma was placed on mental health, and the subject was often relegated to the closet. Such a shame.