Happy 98th Birthday David Attenborough
Happy 98th Birthday David Attenborough. A voice forever embedded in my gray matter!
Happy 98th Birthday David Attenborough. A voice forever embedded in my gray matter!
Nervous System is a generative design studio that works at the intersection of science, art, and technology. Drawing inspiration from natural phenomena, we create computer simulations to generate designs and use digital fabrication to realize products.
Some of my playlists were growing exponentially, so I had to divide them up so I’d have the chance to hear some of my favorite songs more than once every year. hahahaha! Mare’s Mellower Side had over 400 songs. Yikes! So, that yielded itself to slimming down.
I recently read an Instagram post and blanched when the writer emphatically stated that, “Men and women cannot be friends!” No ifs, ands or buts! I guess I wasn’t surprised, since I’ve learned over the months that he sees everything in life in black and white, and yes or no. I asked myself the question, why DO I “follow” him on social media? Maybe it’s for shock value? Anyway, I digress…
I’ve tried various workouts throughout my life; however, when I began doing yoga, and then discovered Tai Chi and Qigong I found a well-rounded routine that includes, mind, body, and spirit. Seems too many of us strictly focus on the body but leave out mental well-being. I feel this is a huge oversight, and for that, we can thank the Western medical mindset which ignored the benefits and often ridiculed thousands of years of Eastern practices. To that end, a stigma was placed on mental health, and the subject was often relegated to the closet. Such a shame.