Trees Never Lie
While I’m thoroughly enjoying editing two current client books, I’m eager to continue work on my sixth book, Trees Never Lie, a sci-fi story set in present time.
While I’m thoroughly enjoying editing two current client books, I’m eager to continue work on my sixth book, Trees Never Lie, a sci-fi story set in present time.
The paperback and eBook versions are now available on Amazon. If you read the book, please leave your review on Amazon, etc. If you’re not into writing reviews, even a sentence or just a star-review is greatly appreciated, especially since …
I finally did it! Tukaa’s Tale has been completed and is now in proofreading mode. I can’t express how excited I am because for the longest time, the unfinished book sat on the shelf while life got in the way. It was only recently that I picked it up again, determined to finish it by giving myself a deadline – midsummer 2024. And now I’m happy to say I accomplished my goal.
The following is the response I left on YouTube, after watching the above video by Rolling Stone Magazine, released just hours ago.
“Always happy to see articles, interviews, and reaction videos to BTS. I’ve been a fan since October of 2018, when family members asked me to watch some YouTube MV’s. I had this stereotypical image in my head, so begrudgingly agreed. It was a day that took my life down another path…
My latest ad for The Story of Q trilogy – music Be Here by Michael Raphael
I’ve completed the minor revisions to the trilogy, and all editions, including eBooks, are now available on