Imagine soldiers not only going through the horrors of everyday warfare but then stumbling upon concentration camps near or at the end of the war. Just when you thought you’d seen it all, then this unfolds before your very eyes. Who would do this to fellow human beings? Who would incarcerate citizens, torture, starve, gas and work millions of people to death, “just because”…

Regardless of how long you’ve been into photography, I think it’s always wise to keep an open mind about improving your skills. Therefore, I’m happy to share Simon d’Entremont’s YouTube Channel. Many believe he’s one of the best presenters of information regarding a variety of subjects including ISO, shutter speeds, aperture settings, with simple, logical explanations. So, here’s to better imaging, no matter your gear.

Progressive Perspective interviewed Neil deGrasse Tyson and asked him his opinions on the following topics including climate change, artificial intelligence, the “fake” moon landing, and the existence of God. I’ve added my own two cents below.

I’m an active participant in the Zooniverse community and regularly receive newsletters regarding new projects. In the past I’ve been involved with Star Notes – helped to transcribe the groundbreaking work of early Harvard astronomers, Galaxy Zoo – helped classify …

Zooniverse – Sudan Road Access Project Read more »