Neil Armstrong’s Insight
A month before Neil Armstrong’s infamous Apollo 11 flight, he, at the request of Life Magazine, reflected on the meaning of the soon-to-be moon landing.
A month before Neil Armstrong’s infamous Apollo 11 flight, he, at the request of Life Magazine, reflected on the meaning of the soon-to-be moon landing.
Guess what the sun had for dinner this week? Give up? Okay, I’ll let you in on the story… Our local star ate a comet.
NASA’s orbiting Solar and Heliospheric Observatory had been studying comet ATLAS S1 approach the sun, using its occulter to block out the light from our star’s disk and astronomers got to witness its last moments.
I always get a big kick out of the peeps who claim we never went to the moon. When I saw this short by Neil deGrasse Tyson (one of my fave scientists, BTW), I couldn’t help but laugh aloud. Oh, damn, we forgot the stars! Okay, who’s responsible for this? You’re fired!
The Zooniverse project I started the other day, was a smaller one which ran out of current data, so this morning I began my third one, Solar Jet Hunters. It’s something right up my alley, since I’ve always been strongly attracted to solar research. In fact, if I could start a new career in astrophysics, this would wind up being my course of study. And what timing, since we just had a North American solar eclipse on Monday…
NASA is looking for its next astronaut class.
I always say you never know the next time inspiration will sneak up on you. For me it occurred while wondering what to watch after seeing yet another rerun of The Big Bang Theory (the comedy series, not the theory …