Gimme a Big Kiss
Err, well not me personally, but it would make Symon very, very happy! Mwah!!!!!!!!!!!!
Err, well not me personally, but it would make Symon very, very happy! Mwah!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d like to introduce you to Silent Beauties, a friend I met on a *Mastodon. I enjoy our exchanges and therefore I’m pleased to share her blog, dedicated to her love of silent film. Glad me met!
I recently edited and published the book, The Quirky Bathroom Book: For Men Over 60, for my client, Jay Fiondella…
Lesser celandine is spreading quickly in lower Michigan, prompting an effort to combat this evasive European plant. However, in spite of the threat to native wildflowers, it is still legal to buy and sell within our state. A small group of advocates is pushing for regulations while urging gardeners to remain alert…
Now here’s something that will certainly make the world a better place (heavy on sarcasm)! Gag!
Seems Chechnya has recently ruled to ban music that’s too fast or slow. Say what? Yup, you heard that correctly. According to NPR, the Chechen Ministry of Culture announced the ban on its website last week…
The Zooniverse project I started the other day, was a smaller one which ran out of current data, so this morning I began my third one, Solar Jet Hunters. It’s something right up my alley, since I’ve always been strongly attracted to solar research. In fact, if I could start a new career in astrophysics, this would wind up being my course of study. And what timing, since we just had a North American solar eclipse on Monday…